Yakutsk Average Weather & Yearly Climate
Typical weather in Yakutsk has daily temperatures of -4 degrees celsius.
Looking at the months we can see that July is hottest with January is coldest with average monthly temperatures varying by 60. Typically the temperatures are around 1 in Spring, 23 in Summer with temperatures going to -5 through the Autumn months and -33 in the Winter period.
Month | Degrees Celsius |
January | -35 |
February | -30 |
March | -13 |
April | 2 |
May | 14 |
June | 22 |
July | 25 |
August | 21 |
September | 11 |
October | -4 |
November | -23 |
December | -34 |
What are the Weather Insights, Yearly Temperature, Climate in Yakutsk?
Our historical weather stats and averages lets you know the best time to visit Yakutsk
- Typical Average Daily Temperature: -4
- Typical Hottest Month: July
- Typical Coldest Month: January
- Average Spring Temperature: 1
- Average Summer Temperature: 23
- Average Autumn Temperature: -5
- Average Winter Temperature: -33